Help us share information with bus passengers about their rights.

Customs and Border Protection claims the authority to question people, for any reason at all, within 100 miles of any national or coastal border. This zone encompasses the entirety of Maine and most of New England. Across the country, there have been increasing reports of CBP stopping bus passengers to check their citizenship status, without a warrant, reasonable suspicion or probable cause. We've heard several incidents of this happening at the Concord Coach Lines station in Bangor.

We shouldn’t have to prove our citizenship just to ride the bus. Allowing government agents to demand that we ‘show our papers’ any time they feel like it is a threat to our freedom and democracy.

Here's what you can do:

1. Call Concord Coach Lines and tell them: stop allowing Border Patrol agents to question your passengers. People should be able to take the bus without fear of unfounded interrogation and deportation. Your company has the right to say no to Border Patrol - now is the time to do it. 

Call Concord Coach Lines: 207-945-4000

2. Spread the word! Download this flyer in English and Spanish. Print several copies and take them to your local Greyhound or Concord Trailways station. Hand them out to passengers! Just make sure you don't interfere with immigration agents or other officials. 

3. See immigration agents asking passengers about their citizenship status? Tell everyone around you that they have the right to remain silent. Say it in multiple languages if you are able. Then pull out your phone and record them! Let them know we are paying attention. As always, make sure you don't interfere with them.