Did you hear the good news this week? So far, the Mainer's United campaign and folks who have been working toward marriage for same-sex couples in our state have had 100,000 conversations with voters about this issue.  How does that happen? There's phone banks, door to door canvassing, conversations in faith communities and one on one conversations with people you know. It starts with you. 

Tonight, I went to a training to learn how to train people to have one on one conversations with people they know.  If you think about your day to day life, you interact with a variety of different people. Co-workers, parents of the children your kids go to school with, members of your faith community or people on your bowling league. It's important that everyone in your network knows that you support same-sex marriage for committed couples here in Maine. We can't assume that the people we know are aware of where we stand on this issue, especially with only 17 weeks to go in this campaign. 

Do you think your organization or group might want a training to learn how to have these crucial conversations? People who are trained are asked to talk to just 5 people they know and interact with regularly about marriage. If you're interested, get in touch with me at jbarkley@aclumaine.org and I'll connect you with a trainer who can come to your workplace, organization or place of worship.