Next step in the anti-freedom agenda:  taking away our voting rights.  Next week the legislature will consider two proposals to restrict Mainers' right to vote.  LD 203 would eliminate same-day voter registration.  LD 199 would require that you show a photo ID at the polls before casting your vote.  Both bills would turn people away from the polls on Election Day.

The Brunswick Times Record got it right in today's editorial, "If it ain't broke, don't 'fix' it."

As the Times Record, points out, Maine's turn-out rates in 2004 and 2008 were the third highest in the country:  73.8% and 72.7% respectively.  Why would we want to change that? 

Proponents of these bills raise the spectre of voter fraud, but the Times Record reports only one case of voter fraud attributable to same day voter registration in 30 years, and the guy was caught!

The public hearing on both bills will be Wednesday, February 16 at 10 am before the Committee on Veterans and Legal Affairs in Room 437 at the State House in Augusta.  We encourage you to join us in opposing these bills.