What could be so important that it would cause a 26 year old man to literally set themselves on fire?  Answer: the absence of the very freedoms many of us take for granted - including, for example, freedom of speech and association.  Here in the U.S., we can openly criticize our government, listen to the music we want, read domestic or international papers, and become members of organizations we believe in.  

I was so moved hearing the voices of the Tunisian and Egyptian people literally risking their lives to achieve these rights for their countrymen and women.  One Tunisian woman spoke with deep emotion about dusting off the banned books hidden in her shop, and another young man applauded the release of rapper El General, arrested for his musical criticism of his government. t

At a time when we face new and serious challenges to our constitutional freedoms in our state legislature, I look to these allies abroad for inspiration and strength. 

We need to take the threats on our constitutional freedoms seriously, lest we find ourselves sliding down the slippery slope to state censorship of diverse voices and opinions.  Don't be shy.  Speak up.  Tell your legislators to protect and defend our constitutional freedoms.  Because you should and because you can.