As kids go back to school, parents all across the state have been asked to hand over their children's social security numbers.  What many parents (and schools) do not realize is that this is an opt-in program.  You don't have to share your child's social security number with your school.

Parents should consider the pros and cons of their child's information being tracked by the Department of Education and the Department of Labor.  The purpose of including the social security number in the Department of Education's central data system is to track outcomes, both on the individual and aggregate levels.  LD 1356, which created the new law requiring schools to collect the social security numbers, was passed because the Department of Education expressed the desire that student data be shared with the Department of Labor.  But perhaps, parents may not wish that their child be tracked in this way.  And you have a right to say no.

Aggregation of social security numbers leaves our youth vulnerable to identity theft.  Government agencies do not have a good track record of keeping our most private data safe.

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As EPIC points out, students are unfortunately vulnerable to identity theft.

If you have already given your child's social security number to the school but do not want it to be included in the Department of Education database, call us at 774-5444.