Nena Burgess

Name: Nena Burgess
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Year of Participation: Summer 2021

Why did you want to be an ACLU of Maine intern?

I wanted to intern with the ACLU of Maine this summer to gain valuable experience in the nonprofit and legal sector. Having been inspired by the work done throughout the region, I aim to explore a variety of pathways for advocacy and change and solidify my interest in the legal field.

What are you excited to learn during your internship?

I am really excited to learn more about critical issues that impact my community here in Maine such as reproductive rights, immigration, housing, and racial justice. I am also interested in exploring criminal justice reform during the age of Covid-19 and specific efforts being on-the-ground to provide equal and equitable resolutions.

Where are you now, and what are your plans for the future?

Having just finished my junior year of college, I am exploring my options for my post-graduate career. I aim to continue catering my academic pathway towards a career in the law during my senior year, and gaining meaningful professional experience in the legal field before pursuing a law degree. Although I am keeping an open mind and learning more about the legal field every day, in any experience I engage, I aim to further my understanding of social justice, equitable resolutions, and advocacy for under-served communities.