Kayla Raftice

Name: Kayla Raftice 
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Year of Participation: Fall 2019

What was the most valuable thing you learned or accomplished in the program?
The most important thing I learned while working at the ACLU of Maine is the importance of teamwork when working on unique and complex cases. When you work with such an accomplished and diverse team, each team member looks at each fact through a different lens. Being able to see another person's perspective can help you see the case from an angle you might have missed the first time.

What have you done since being involved in the ACLU program? 
I recently passed the Maine Bar Exam and will begin my legal career as an Associate Attorney at Hanly Law in Portland.

What are your plans for the future?
I hope to continue to give all people a voice no matter their background or what crimes they have been charged with. We all deserve fair representation.